Monday, 3 February 2014


What a Doughnut

Went shopping in town on the Wednesday that I have off. And spotted this and fell in lurrrve. Ps. I think its doughnut for UK and Donut for the US? not sure... potato potarrrrto! Oh well !
Going to blog the new additions to my shoe wardrobe after this post! Really really not going to buy anything else for a long time! Need to save up and be a good girl!

Jumper comes up quite long so had to tie it up at the back, dangg!

Jumper- H&M// Blouse- Zara // Leggings- H&M// Shoes- Vagabond//
Backpack- Domo

I know I really need to stop pulling my middle finger out uh oh! It just comes out :( 

 Selfie Central ! Having a cup of Mocha waiting for my friends at Stratford station in London. I don't like coffee, but this Mocha, this Mocha was okay. I'd give it a 6.7/10 :D

My best girl (who is a twin!!!) Love love love

Last selfie. Hehehe

Hope everyone is well! Nearly 6,000 views im so grateful!

Stay positive! Oh and I really like "John Legend- You and I (Nobody in the world)" bit depressing but no i love it!!!

L  O  V  E


  1. I adore this twin set so much! It's so funny! Great outfit dear xx

  2. Loove the doughnut twosie! Its so fun and you justlooked the! Im not a coffee lover either but iced caramel frape's are just absolutely everything! Cant wait for the summer so I can start chugging them down again aha you should so try them if you havent! Beaut post doll! Xo

    1. Thank you so much pretty!!! Haha i tried coffee today! and I really dont like it! Cant wait to try this caramel frappe!
